Friday, April 8, 2011

Pulling Genius Out of My Head

So, I've been sitting here for half an hour trying to come up with something witty to blog about today. I've typed, re-typed, and deleted more than once. Why is it some days the words just flow like water from a spring and others it seems the only thoughts in my grey matter are comprised of what level I'm on in Assassins Creed or did Sharon Newman get released from jail yet?  My fellow Y&R fans will know what I'm talking about.

What I've learned over the last couple of months since I started my novel is this... writer’s block is real.  I've discovered it is not just a figure of speech or an excuse. However scary it might seem at is nothing more than a simple block.  It's not 'writer’s wall' or 'writer’s dead end'. It's a block; a step if you will.  I've found I do my best writing when I just go for it, push through it, and start typing.  Before I know it I have the bones to something I believe has great potential to build upon.

The first time it happened I felt slightly defeated.  “Oh... NO!”  I thought to myself... “I'm going to get blocked, pick up my PS3 controller and find myself hooked on the game.  My writing will fade away with my list of other creative endeavors I've started but never finished! Oh, and please, when you sit on my couch go easy on my pillows for I never hand stitched the last holes closed.”

Do you see how easily I am distracted?  I'm like a fourth grade boy with ADHD trying to do a jig-saw puzzle while watching SpongeBob at a birthday party. 

Well, back to writing! 

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